Jesus and tough times – lesson 1 devotional 3

Lesson 1, Devotion 3

Are you starting to believe that God cares about your feelings?  

Are you starting to be more honest with God about your feelings? Why or why not? 

Take some time today and really contemplate why being with honest with God is either easy or hard for you. Is it that you don’t really trust Him? If this is true how can you get to know Him better so you do trust Him? 

Today meditate on why God would love you so much He want to hear everything.

2 thoughts on “Jesus and tough times – lesson 1 devotional 3”

  • I acCept god as my lord and sAVior, so i would love To tell him everythIng, whether is Good or bad, i Pray to him everyDay asking him for forgiveness And to forgive my sins.

  • It’s not easy for me to be honest With goD but i’ve been praying these past few years, and although most prayers i prayed were not answered with yes, Then that’s when i realizE he has a plan for Us and we have to put our faith in him.

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