God didn’t just create a pretty world to look at and went to chill; He designed it thinking of us, so He must have a purpose for us as well. As we saw in the last devotional, He prepared all this for us, so that we can see that we were made for a purpose, now the ball is in your court. If you thought about it, the only way to know and understand your purpose is to go to God himself, our Father in heaven who created all of this. As a Father, He wants a special relationship with you, but that takes two people. He did his part already, it’s up to you to seek Him, the Bible says:

“Hear my voice when I call, Lord;
be merciful to me and answer me.
My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
Your face, Lord, I will seek”.

Psalm 27:7-8

God promised He will answer, so if it seems hard at first, prepare a place to talk to God, somewhere good to pray. Begin by thanking Him because He prepared and provided everything even when you didn’t acknowledge Him or were ungrateful. Then let Him know things you have done that you’re sorry for and that you want to know Him better.

God has revealed himself throughout the Bible so everyone who wants can know Him. Where should you go next?

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